Bridge Views

Bridges represent the S|R|EVOLVE approach to connecting strategy to revenue and results.

A Bridge:

“…a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle (such as a river); a time, place, or means of connection or transition…”

— Merriam-Webster Dictionary

OUR Bridge:

  • leads legacy business to potential customers

  • connects business strategy to targeted results

  • views human capital as high valued asset on balance sheet

— Sharon Egilinsky, CEO S|R|EVOLVE

As we have all experienced throughout varying business cycles - change is inevitable. What is resoundingly clear throughout the COVID-19 crisis is that a major event can accelerate dramatic change in what feels like a moment. Rather than escape the experience we need to use it to move forward.

Bridges with their various framing, stabilizing and extending architectural and aesthetic design techniques are great proxies for the fundamental aspects of any successful business strategy. Critically important is to look back and assess what worked and what didn’t and incorporate the lessons learned in order to propel forward.

While we can not plan for every contingency, or predict the future, it is important to “never say never” when scenario testing a new product, investing in a new business, contemplating acquisition or considering an exit. Stabilizing current issues, framing strategy and risk while extending our vision is the path for any company or idea to become, and remain, relevant, competitive and roll with the punches, identifying opportunities at every juncture.

*Header image above: black and white spiral stairs abstract of the Gdanski bridge, Warsaw, Poland

** An interesting and fun point to note: the Creative Director for this re-brand independently identified the “bridge” as the symbol to represent the design and impact of S|R|EVOLVE’s approach